Governments at all levels and societies have demonstrated a remarkable level of responsiveness, cooperation and adaptability to the Covid19 pandemic.
The Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla stated on 22 June 2022 to repeal the Covid19 regulations on the wearing of face marks, public gatherings and people entering the country. All stakeholders who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to do so to reduce the chance of severe illness and death. The vaccination programme will remain and is now integrated into normal health services.
The 2022 academic year is now in full swing, our campuses are abuzz with activities again for the first time in nearly two years. The ‘new normal’ is a myth, as the future will never be normal again. This is a narrative we have to embrace as a college as we strive to become a future fit. This will entail the realignment of delivery models to suit online and hybrid training models that are supported by a proper, efficient and well-capacitated ICT infrastructure and applications.
Taletso is making solid progress towards achieving its Taletso 2021-25 Strategic Plan. This cannot be achieved without the commitment and support of management, lecturing and support staff, the I-Student Representative Council and stakeholders. It is promising and motivating. The College’s continued underperformance in the audit outcome of the 2020 financial year needs to be improved based on the recommendations by the Auditor General of South Africa.
The College Council throughout its oversight and corporate governance role is expected to be the pillar of strength in the college. Its responsibilities include determining the mission, objectives, goals, strategies and policies for the progress of the institution. As the College Council, we remain fully committed to ensuring that Taletso conducts its business according to the highest ethical standards and principles of good governance. We continue to ensure that
sound governance practices that promote accountability, transparency, ethical conduct, fairness, responsibility and social development are entrenched throughout the business.
It was a great pleasure to host our second in-person graduation ceremony in May 2022 since the advent of the Covid -19 pandemic. There is a special sense of having defeated the odds. Graduation is always a time of jubilation, where we not only celebrate over and recognize the hard work and tenacity of our graduates, but we also congratulate our academics, support staff and supportive families who all play a pivotal role behind the scene in the success of the graduating cohort. Our warmest congratulations to those who have graduated for keeping the African light shining brightly through academic excellence.
To maintain the growth of the college, it is vital that healthy, strategic and collaborative partnerships that work to create opportunities for students to gain access to experiential learning and equip lecturers with relevant skills be strengthened and explored further.
South Africa will be celebrating Women’s Month in August. S.A has come a long way since 20 000 women marched to Union Building on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of the Pass Laws. A system meant to control women even further and reduce them to passive beings, at the mercy of men. We will celebrate this year’s Women Month under the theme “Generation Equality: Realising Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”. The concept of Generation Equality is a global campaign and links South Africa to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030.
Women’s Month is a tribute not only to the thousands of women who marched on that day in 1956 but also to those who paved the way for the women’s movement in our country, dating back to 1913 when women like Charlotte Maxeke inspired women to join the battle for freedom.
As we celebrate women’s month let us also remember Advocate A.B Mutele- a College Council member who passed on in August 2021. Advocate Mutele always had a positive view of Taletso, trying to find solutions to challenges. She will be remembered by the Taletso community for serving the College with dedication and commitment. We express our heartfelt condolences to the family and all who will miss her.
Executive Appointments
Mr MZ Nkomo was appointed Acting Principal effective September 2021, He took the baton from Mr S ‘Mabathoana as he retired end of August 2021. Mr Nkomo brings with him a perfect fit for an environment where collaboration and innovation are drivers of change and we look forward to reimagining the future with him. Another executive appointment includes Mr M.G Pheko who took office on 1 December 2021 as Deputy Principal Corporate Services. I trust that your visionary leadership will be evident in these portfolios.